Company Information
Company Name: Kenford Group Holdings Ltd.
Stock Code: 00464
Principal Activities: Design, manufacture and sale of a wide range of electrical haircare and healthcare products and other small household electrical appliances.
Chairman: Mr. Gao Jianbo (appointed with effect from 28 March 2019)
Chief Executive Officer: Ms. CAI Dongyan
Executive Directors:
Mr. Lam Wai Ming (resigned with effect from 12 September 2017)
Mr. Tam Chi Sang (resigned with effect from 12 September 2017)
Mr. Gao Jianbo (appointed with effect from 28 March 2019)
Ms. CAI Dongyan
Mr. ZHANG Huijun
Ms. Pauline LAM
Non-executive Directors:
Mr. KWOK Kai Hing Daniel
Independent Non-executive Directors:
Mr. Chiu Fan Wa (resigned with effect from 12 September 2017)
Mr. Choi Hon Keung (resigned with effect from 12 September 2017)
Mr. Li Chi Chung (resigned with effect from 12 September 2017)
Mr. HAN Dengpan
Mr. FUNG Chi Kin
Mr. HUANG Zhiwei
Company Secretary:
Mr. Ong King Keung
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
35th Floor, One Pacific Place
88 Queensway
Hong Kong
Legal Advisors:
Li & Partners
Principal Office:
Office 810, Unit 1908, 19/F,
9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Place of Incorporation:
Cayman Islands
Authorised Shares:
Issued Shares:
(As at 31 March 2018)
Share Par Value: HKD0.0010
Financial Year End:
31st March
Branch Share Registrar:
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
17th Floor, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong